The Vestry is a group of parishioners elected by the parish each year who, along with the Rector, oversee financial and facility-related matters at Christ Church.
At Christ Church, our Vestry is made up of six members, with two elected each year in overlapping in three-year terms. Sometimes this number can change according to the size of congregation it representation. From these are selected two wardens; the junior warden, who often acts as a congregational liaison, and the senior warden, who acts as vice chair to the Vestry, and who is the legal stand-in for the Rector in her absence.
The Vestry meets on the third Sunday of the month after church. These are generally business meetings, and there are also sometimes special sessions at the discretion of the Rector.
Here is our Vestry for 2022!

The Rev. Shelly Fayette

Joslin Harris-Gane

Officers of theVestry
The officers of the Vestry are non-elected, non-voting positions: that of the treasurer, and that of the chancellor, who offers legal council to the Vestry and Rector, pro bono.
