Our neighborhood is ground-zero for the diverging economic highs and lows that plague Seattle. The U-District and the Ave are also a historic gathering place for youth who are living on the streets.
As a parish in the center of this, Christ Church is acutely aware of the struggles of those who are most disadvantaged among us. We aim to provide low-barrier material and emotional support to fill in the gaps for our unhoused neighbors.
We call ourselves Street Chaplaincy because a chaplain is a person who takes care of something. In our case, we take care of the unhoused living on the streets. No church affiliation is required to treat the most vulnerable among us with basic human respect.

What We Do
Every Sunday after the 10am service, we have casual weekly walkabouts to say hello and provide various small items to those who may need them. Items include: water, toiletries, underwear, non-perishable foods, coffee, socks, hand and foot warmers, and a variety of other things. Christ Church provides them, and Street Chaplaincy distributes them in the community. All are welcome to walk with us!