Ways to Donate to Christ Church
"But do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God."
Hebrews 13: 15, 16
Other Ways to Give
Checks should be made out to Christ Episcopal Church and mailed to: 4548 Brooklyn Ave NE Seattle WA 98105
Bill Pay
Using your bank's bill pay system, you set up a one-time or repeating donation and your bank will mail a check to Christ Church. Check with your bank for more details on how to set this up.

You can make one-time or recurring donations from your checking or savings account through Vanco Online.
Electronic Funds Transfer
To use this method, you complete a paper form authorizing recurring donations and return the form to us (this can be done through email). To sign up, contact Kathy Chamberlain at 206.595.1226 or by email to klc@u.washington.edu. If you need to change or stop a donation set up with this method, contact Kathy Chamberlain (as listed above). Changes are processed as quickly as possible but expect a short time lag due to the restrictions of the service.
You can also use standard PayPal to make donations from any source you have connected to your PayPal account, including bank accounts and credit cards. Note that donations made through PayPal (as opposed to the PayPal Giving Fund) incur higher fees than other methods. If you are able to use one of the other methods provided, please do so to maximize the amount of your donation that Christ Church receives.