Holy Week and Easter
This is the week that makes a Christian. There is no other week in the year in which we are asked to commit to an uncomfortable amount of worship, and to surrender our time and will to the story of our Incarnate God. Once a year, we sacrifice and give in. This is what makes Easter possible and meaningful. He went down to the dead, and was reborn. We go down to the dead and are reborn.
Palm Sunday
April 2 at 10am
On Palm Sunday (April 2), at 10am, we, the church, will process around our building, blessing each entrance and encouraging Jesus to march right on in! We will welcome him with branches and singing. Please cut branches from your plants at home, and bring extra to share. After our raucous welcome, we will feast on Eucharist. You can choose to end your worship there, or you may stay to listen to a solemn retelling of Christ’s death.
Maundy Thursday
April 6 at 6pm
On Maundy Thursday (April 6), at 6pm, we will be celebrating the footwashing of the disciples and the first Communion and then stripping the altar in full realization that the Last Supper was just that, and that a terrible betrayal has occurred.
Following the service we will hold an all-night watch, collectively staying awake with Jesus through prayer, meditation, and whatever practices are meaningful to you to commemorate this night. The watch will last until 7am Friday morning. Please sign up here for a portion the watch, in two or four hour sessions. More information will be provided to attendees for building access and security.
Good Friday
April 7 at Noon and 6pm
On Good Friday (April 7), we will be having two services, at noon and 6pm, to recount how human forces successfully lynched God. The noon service will be quiet. The 6pm service will have music. No Communion will be offered, as our God will be dead and absent from the earth.
Easter Vigil
April 8 at 7:49pm
On Easter Vigil (April 8), we will begin our storytelling in the courtyard at sunset, 7:49pm. We will be retelling the great stories of salvation which culminate in the first proclamation of the resurrection. Party to follow: drinks, dancing, s’mores, treats, and giggles. Please sign up here to tell one of the great stories in your own words.
Easter Sunday
April 9 at 10am
On 10am Easter morning (April 9), we will have a sweet morning service with a joyful reception afterward. Come rest in our salvation and the power of life, love, and justice over all that wants to destroy them.